Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Today's Quote

"There is something deeply suffocating about life today in the prosperous west. Bourgeoisification, the suburbanisation of the soul, proceeds at an unnerving pace. Tyranny becomes docile and subservient, and soft totalitarianism prevails, as obsequious as a wine waiter. Nothing is allowed to distress and unsettle us. The politics of the playgroup rules us all."
-J. G. Ballard


W. S. Cross said...

I reviewed your site. It's both interesting and stimulating, even if not usually in a sexual way!

Rufus said...

Oh hey thanks! Unfortunately, academic life is rarely sexually stimulating, and French history is even less so- although, there are some great books about all the king's mistresses, and there have been many! But, French customs tend to differ in regards to marriage. There's very good reason that the term menage a trois is French.

It's funny because I've been planning to post about your book again recently... Hopefully, it won't look like blog-nepotism!

Thanks again!

Rufus said...

Holmes, go fuck yourself. Seriously.