Monday, August 25, 2008

Bad Moon Firing

Not exactly surprising I'd say, but apparently assistant professors of communications can be fired for screaming obscenities at and mooning their colleagues. Actually, this is true in a lot of jobs, with the possible exceptions of carny and pro-wrestler.

The (relatively hilarious) video is here, and its inevitable musical remix is here.


Greg von Winckel said...

Debate coach? So was that his rebuttal?

Thanks, I'll be here all week.

Rufus said...

I was thinking that he was showing the importance of turning the other cheek when confronted.

Holly said...


Was she reprimanded at all?

Greg von Winckel said...

"rigorous intellectual engagement"

It should be allowed to fire someone just for being a twat

Rufus said...

I don't know what happened to her- she's from a different university, so it's up to them. But most universities have rules about civil discourse that would seem to pertain to screaming obscenities at someone.