Saturday, December 06, 2008

Aid El-Kebir

My sister, who lives in Rabat, Morocco, informed us that Rabat was briefly mentioned in the news, via this CNN story. They're gearing up in Morocco for Aid El-Kebir, the Feast of the Lamb, a religious holiday in which about five million sheep will be sacrificed. Their neighbor has offered to kill a lamb in their backyard for free for my sister and her husband- apparently, this can be costly. I think she intends to be out of the house when this happens!


Holly said...

I'm kind of dumbstruck.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'd imagine the sheep are too.

Greg von Winckel said...

Pardon my ignorance, but does sacrificing a sheep still mean killing it but not eating it?

Anonymous said...

I think they're eating them- I'm probably wrong, but I thought this might be a feast for the returning pilgrims.