Thursday, April 27, 2006

The Heart of Texas

These two sullen teens were arrested in Spring, Texas for lynching a hispanic teen and sodomizing him with a pipe for trying to kiss a white girl at a party. He will likely die.

"The crimes committed in the name of nationality have scarred the twentieth century like no other. On every occasion that its obituary has been written, it has risen from its deathbed with renewed vigor."

-T.C.W. Blanning

"The tribal relationship was tight and vital and terrible. It feared strangers, and forbade any touch with them, for they seemed poisonously polluting. It made a nucleus of people definite as a stone, hostile to anything unknown, living within and for its own small group, looking to its totem for sustinance in life and death, glorifying, or even worshipping its common ancestor."

-Emma Hakwridge

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